Pink speaks the truth. She doesn’t think highly of John Mayer. Shocking. Recalling an encounter with him recently, Pink said:

"I got into an argument with him. He said something along the lines of, 'I only shag really stupid women', and I said, 'I guess they would have to be. I don't get him and Jennifer at all."

In other words: Jennifer Aniston is a dumb ass.



Even her most ardent fan would have to argue with the logic of getting back together with douchebag windbag. But then again, she probably thinks he’s a poet…which why she supposedly has blacklisted Pink for insulting her so publicly. But who can humiliate you more than you humiliate yourself?

Below – Casey Wilson’s killer Aniston impression on The View on Saturday Night Live this weekend. And attached – Pink in costume at Heidi Klum’s Halloween party Friday night.

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