I’m about to gloat. So you need to click away if you can’t handle it.

Remember two weeks ago when it was getting splashed all over the place, led by the ever (UN)reliable UK Sun, that Pippa Middleton and her boyfriend Alex Loudon had split and I posted this article about them together at a wedding and getting it on in the bushes?

Well, they showed up together at Wimbledon today. With her family. And it all looked very cosy.

So again, Pippa and Hot Harry are NOT happening. They’re not even close to “almost” happening, which is what they tried to sell last week. Certainly a disappointment to the papers, and to us, because the Middletons have to be hard marketing this girl after such a resounding success with their Catherine. Having said that, it’s always nice to have a wealthy, respectable boy in the back pocket, just in case, you know?

Good timing too. Her sister’s about to dominate headlines in Canada when she and Prince William arrive in Canada for the tour. Smart to squeeze in some spotlight of her own just before ceding it to the Princess.

Photos from Bauergriffinonline.com and Julian Finney/Gettyimages.com