Dear Gossips,

You know that Lukas Graham song, 7 Years? Not my favourite. In fact, I think I almost hate it. It’s SO corny. And you can’t get away from it in bathrooms that play the radio. Have you noticed it’s always playing in the bathroom? Also Ed Sheeran songs, always being played in the bathroom.

Anyway, I just heard 7 Years, not in the bathroom but on my laptop. And for the first time in all the times I’ve listened to it, right now I don’t mind it so much. In fact, maybe I don’t mind it at all anymore. Because of this video: 

Did you watch to the end? Her face and her smile at the end is, well, even for a f-cking asshole like me, it’s pretty much everything. Pollyanna dedicated her dance to Great Britain’s Andy Lewis, competing at the Paralympics in triathlon. The Paralympics are officially underway. Team Canada was led into the Opening Ceremony last night by wheelchair basketball athlete David Eng. You can follow the Canadian Paralympic team on Twitter here. Over 4,000 athletes are competing in Rio to prove to themselves, and the world, that:

“The heart knows no limits; everybody has a heart.”

This is the Paralympic motto. Pollyanna clearly understands this. Maybe one day we’ll see her there?

Yours in gossip,

