In the new issue of Hello Canada, several photos not widely circulated from the Concert for Diana last Sunday. For the first time in a long time, I actually find William attractive. Even his dorky dancing. Some say he was only goofing around – whatever he was doing, he looked like he was having a good time, genuinely enjoying himself, not constipated and boring…not quite quiverating, certainly not even close to the Hotness on Horse, but not entirely unsexy either.
But my Harry. My Harry and his gorgeous skin. And his pants. And his Chelsy. Can’t get enough of Harry and Chelsy, although the most intriguing photo of the lot is definitely the one with Kate Middleton looking over at William and he smiling back at her. There was much talk of the two of them interacting this way throughout the event and now a photo that actually demonstrates it.
More photos to be found in Hello Canada on stands tomorrow including the Princes’ cousins from the Spencer side. Diana’s brother had 4 children…and they’re all HOT. Future smutty fodder absolutely.