Trooping The Colour happened this weekend in London to celebrate Her Majesty’s birthday. Everyone has to show up for this one. Princess Catherine rode her with mother and brother-in-law to Buckingham Palace. Who wouldn’t want to ride with Hot Harry? When you ride with Hot Harry, you’re on the party bus. Check him out, gesticulating with his hands – pull my fingers! – and making her laugh.
He was making everyone laugh. On the balcony, where the Queen, flanked by her family, looks down upon her subjects to receive their well-wishes, it was Harry the Entertainer once again. Katy Cambridge was giggling. Even the Queen was the smiling widely – look at that big grin! – when Harry seemed to be teasing his grandfather as his stodgy older brother leans over, trying to get in on the action.
You see the expression on Her Majesty’s face? It’s pure delight. She’s delighted by him, her ginger scamp. Always. I’m delighted too. Harry hasn’t looked this good in a while. Young and lean and mischievous. What’s this all about now?