Queen Elizabeth and Catherine were together the other day touring through the Royal Wedding exhibit at Buckingham Palace where Kate’s McQueen gown is now on display along with other items from the occasion including her cake and shoes. This was a major event. Not because of the dress, but because Her Majesty is telling us she doesn’t mind you seeing her spending time with her new granddaughter-in-law, and without her grandson around. Someone got a gold star after her North American tour!

You know who didn’t get a gold star?

Whoever put together the display of the dress, that’s who. It looks... creepy as f-ck right? Well, Her Majesty thinks so. And she let us hear it. Click here to watch video of the Queen sh-tting on the presentation. And she’s right. That IS dreadful. Like, how does that say “this girl was in love and she married her Prince”? You know what that says? That says “this girl comes to haunt this house because you people were never kind to her”. It’s freaking me out.

But imagine how that must feel? To be in the Queen’s presence when she throws down a royal bitchface and pretty much tells you your work sucks and she hates it? And you have to curtsey and THANK HER for the privilege? OMG. It’s Charles’s life.

Photos from Bauergriffonline.com