Have been receiving emails about this and on Twitter about a report today that Rachel McAdams and Owen Wilson, in Paris working on Midnight in Paris with Woody Allen, are now hooking up. The origin of the story is the UK Sun. Do we still have to talk about this?

Aside from the fact that the source, like, sucks, a McAdams Wilson love match seems unlikely, not only because co-stars don’t always just jump into the sack, but because well, Rachel McAdams is rather square compared to the others. Here’s a girl who stays out of the sh-t, can’t stand being in Los Angeles, not even for Ryan Gosling, so dealing with Owen Wilson’s depravity, romantically, wouldn’t exactly be her flavour.

Besides, they’ve known each other a while now – in Wedding Crashers remember? She was SO beautiful with that scarf on her head on the boat. Click here to watch. This is #2 on Jacek’s list of Top 2 favourite movies, Old School being the other, and sometimes he alternates them. Which means I have watched it at least a dozen times, God help me.

This is Rachel shooting yesterday. And this is what Jacek likes to recite to me, randomly, very often. Vince Vaughn is at the top of his game in this scene.

Photos from KCSPresse/Splashnewsonline.com