Suicide watch today.

Because Rachel McAdams has a new boyfriend. It’s Josh Lucas.

They were at the Purple Ball on Tuesday night not just holding hands but, like, neck biting. Neck biting in public means there’s a lot of sex happening. This is good news and bad news for those still holding out hope for Rachel and Ryan Gosling.

Bad news because, obviously, Rachel is sharing her bed with someone else. Good news because neck biting can fizzle out quickly…?

And also, this is how Josh Lucas looked on inauguration night. I mean, he was sexy with Salma Hayek but… busted now, right? Josh is losing his hot. And Ryan Gosling is gaining all kinds of hot. Like every day, he’s snowballing hotness. Like an expanding mushroom and fungus family of hotness.

So from a purely shallow perspective, for Rachel McAdams, this is a mayjah downgrade.

Also attached – Rachel on set of Sherlock Holmes in Brooklyn last week.

Photos from and