Was it a last minute decision? Like, she wasn’t intending to go but decided to go anyway and just yanked something serviceable out of the closet that didn’t need to be pressed?
Then again, it’s Chanel. I’ve no doubt Rachel Weisz has some Chanel lying around but this is couture so… it probably wasn’t yanked from anywhere. It was likely beautifully packaged and delivered and on another night, at another party, it may have been sort of special somewhere, I guess, but here, at the MET Gala, on this night, oh my God, I sound like a c-nt saying this but it’s a plus one dress. It’s the dress of the best friend who’s the best actress’s date. And Rachel is not a plus one. Which is why I don’t understand because just a few days ago she killed it in this…
So you know, YOU KNOW she has it. You know she can do it. But where was it? And why didn’t it show up?