Rachel Weisz at the Brothers Bloom premiere in London.


Like architecture. But fashion. Wicked.

Brothers Bloom opens some time in December. Duana and Michelle loved it at TIFF. And we all had our very own Adrien Brody moment at the Park Hyatt during the festival too. Which is why it’s such a shame. That he turned into a total cheese.


We have to go back to this. On the Eurostar we straight up had a shouting match about how vile Adrien has become with one horrifying interview. And then we started to compare. We started to compare what other celebrities would stoop to this level. To stoop to this level and not even end up on the cover???

We came up with Tom Arnold.

We used Adrien Brody in the same sentence as Tom Arnold. Adrien Brody owns an Oscar.

That’s all.

Photos from Wenn.com