God I miss The West Wing (seasons 1 to 4).

As mentioned last week, Dustin Lance Black’s 8 was read in LA on Saturday night featuring many major celebrities including Brad Pitt and George Clooney playing Judge Vaughn Walker and David Boies respectively. Martin Sheen took on the part of Ted Olson, Boies’s partner, in the case to bring down Proposition 8.

I’ve embedded the video of the production below. I’ve been balls deep in work all weekend so I’ve only had a chance to get through half of it. I intend to finish the second half at the airport. I hope that if you haven’t, you’re able to watch all of it at some point too. Celebrities are too often so useless. And it’s so refreshing to see them being so useful.

I LOVE the photos of George Clooney with David Boies.

Have I told you about the time Duana and I were in the airport lounge with Martin Sheen? It was just last week in LA when we were heading home after the Oscars. I was greedy for some tortilla chips, mildly annoyed that the man next to me was taking his sweet time, very elegantly. Oh hi President Bartlet. Obviously I am a pig and you are not.

There were no seats. Duana and I watched him wander around eating his chips, looking at the planes, being all sweet and unassuming. Duana’s fiancé texted over and wanted us to ask him, like all hard nerd, something about something that happened in Season 3. This is very inappropriate. So we just eavesdropped on him instead while he was on the phone. Not because Martin Sheen would divulge anything gossipy... but because it’s just so nice to hear him talk.

8 raised $2 million in support of the American Foundation for Equal Rights. So far, 250,000 have watched the video.