What do you think of Reese getting tricked into wearing a gown to the GGs worn by Kiki Drunkst 3 years ago (image via PopSugar ) - and not a very pretty gown at that! Dear Meredith, Contrary to popular belief, I’m not convinced that it was entirely Chanel’s fault. According to my sources - and yes, you’re welcome to get your knickers all tied up in knots over this - Reese liked it and wanted to wear it anyway. She might be all Mother Soccer on the outside but trust me, this girl has attitude, and as I said on eTalk about this issue, Reese was probably like – “Kiki? Kiki who? I’m Reese Witherspoon. I can re-invent this dress all by myself.” And then of course when everyone went bananas the next day (why???), her people had no choice but to go on the defensive. Think about it. Would Chanel make that kind of mistake??? You’re telling me the House of Chanel, the biggest fashion house in the world, doesn’t catalogue its vintage? Give me a break. In the end though, I admire their handling of the situation. Always swallow your pride and keep the customer… Which is what they did. Hermes could have learned a lesson in that regard, non?