Love double date hikes! It’s the best multi-task: spending time with friends, exercising yourself, exercising the dog. If it ever stops pissing rain in Vancouver, we might be able to get out this afternoon, just like Reese and Jakey yesterday with his German shepherd Atticus and Robert Downey Jr and his wife Susan who somehow all hooked up for a weekend stroll. Makes me happy when stars are friends. I’m lame like that.
Anyway, RDJ is back in California for a brief holiday spell before returning to work on Sherlock in London, same goes for Jakey who needs to head back there too to finish off Prince of Persia, the longest shoot ever! While on vacation though, Jake and Reese have been inseparable. With her kids, a brief visit with his parents, and many hours tucked away at home. Based on nothing but gut, I feel like she’ll get pregnant in 2009. Or maybe they’ll time it for the release of his movie the following summer. Makes more sense.
More photos of RDJ and Jakey click here.