Reese Witherspoon is the latest celebrity to be featured in VOGUE’s 73 questions. And she’s letting you see her house. So. Before you rush off and press play, just a few notes…

The best part is the backflip. In a skirt!

The worst part is her answer about dinner with female senators.

Note however that the Oscar makes an appearance. Of course it does. All of this is for Oscar, isn’t it? What would she like to be doing next year? “More of the same” is the safe answer. Holding another trophy is the subtext.

This is the Reese you’re supposed to know and never forget. Not the woman bitching out a cop for pulling over her drunk husband. Not the woman who strategically happy family photo-opped her way to Best Actress. But why does a schemer have to hide behind hospitality?

Speaking of schemers, Reese was at the Gone Girl premiere with Rosamund Pike, “Amazing Amy”, in New York on Friday. She wore a red dress with no nude hose.