If you tell me your first instinct when seeing Renee Zellweger isn’t to put a hand to your own face like you’ve been burned… I won’t believe you. Don’t lie. Because it hurts to look at her. It hurts to imagine what she’s done to it. How hard she’s scrubbed it. Or peeled it. Or microderm abrasioned it. Or whatever it is that they do to expose the youngest layer of skin possible.

Young it sure is. But it also looks thin. Thin skin that’s about to snap. Thin skin stretched so taut you can almost feel it. Feel it stinging like rubbing alcohol on an open wound.

I just shuddered…

This is Renee in Minnesota yesterday with George Clooney promoting Leatherheads on a train. In spite of the pain her face must have been inflicting, she was in great spirits – and why not? George Clooney can charm the pants off anyone. George Clooney is like cool aloe on a burn. And she needed it. And they do have great chemistry. And he did look so handsome. And she wants him so badly.

Get in line honey!

That Sarah Larson is a lucky little tart.

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