Is it just me or is Snappy’s face a little less taut?


Never mind.

She smiled. That sh*t is about to torpedo all the way back to the ranch. Microderm abrasion every day?

This is Renee Zellweger at last’s night Appaloosa premiere posing as hard as Posh. I’ve seen this in person – when Renee works the carpet it’s like she’s at the gym. Every single muscle flexes. No relaxation anywhere. Nothing natural, all forced. Makes me tired to remember.

Not sure what she’s doing, leaning back with her ass out like that… but it’s a lovely dress and at least they’ve managed to find some foundation that matches and she’s not terrorising the streets of Vancouver in her SUV making u-turns on busy bridges, idling for 45 minutes and killing the environment….

It’s amazing how your standards plummet when the subject is celebrity.

Photos from and