Rihanna and George Clooney are on Ellen today. We’ll get to him later. Right now, let’s talk about her. And their game of Never Have I Ever. The video is below …and it’s pretty cute. It’s cute because whenever George claims he’s never done something, usually sexual, she looks over him all like, whatever George, as IF you’ve never sent a nude selfie. You’ll note, however, that she does not challenge him when he admits to never hooking up with anyone over 50. Truth. I wish Ellen could have gotten Leo to play Never Have I Ever with her. But then again, he’s too humourless for that. And if it were him, the question would be Never Have I Ever Hooked Up With Anyone Over 25.
Anyway, as you know, Rihanna released her 8th album, Anti, last week after dropping the first single, Work feat Drake, a day earlier. I listened to Anti all weekend. And even though Work still isn’t my favourite, the album, overall, is gorgeous. I LOVE IT. She sounds sooooo good. It’s as sensual as she’s ever been and the songs are confident, they’re vulnerable, they’re honest but not earnest. However, nothing here is radio pop. There’s probably not a track on Anti that will become Umbrella or Diamonds or We Found Love. Instead of looking for that one big hit, she’s put together what feels like a new sound for her. And it works. I had Anti on repeat all day Saturday while I was messing around in the kitchen and could not get enough of her voice. So while Anti’s sales might not be as high as we’re used to seeing from her, don’t think that means Anti isn’t strong. Anti is probably her most complete album to date. Agree or disagree? Let me know your thoughts.