Robert Downey Jr’s interview with Rolling Stone – the online excerpt is just that. An excerpt. Only a quarter of what’s actually a very insightful, confusing, blurry, frenetic piece. Am unable to post all the pages but here’s an extra photo from the article and a few more details.

What’s interesting is that the journalist is allowed almost all clear access, or at least it seems that way. Print journalists, especially for highly regarded publications, are generally given much more latitude than tv and radio reporters. For major stars these days though, that usually ends up consisting of a few phone calls and maybe an hour over breakfast or lunch, and the opportunity to be present during the photo shoot.

Rolling Stone however is a different beast. And so is RDJ. The result? Many candid, off guard moments that give you a glimpse into the mind of a conflicted, angry, articulate, optimistic, insecure, kind, self absorbed, and brilliant artist who is as surprised as anyone, if not more, at the year that’s been so far.

Not sure why, but this is my favourite quote, said with fondness about his son: “My entire life is a love note to this little prick!”

Not just another fluff piece. You will greatly enjoy this read