RDJ hit up a kung fu class yesterday, seen leaving after his workout, staying in shape for both the Sherlock Holmes sequel and the Avengers movie which is supposed to be one of the highlights of Comic-Con as they tease fanboys about Captain America and are expected to present the new Hulk who, at last check, was rumoured to be Mark Ruffalo.

It seems like a scheduling nightmare but imagine if all of them, all those superheroes, all those actors, if they all showed up for an appearance at the convention? I will not even hope for it. Very superstitious.

Besides, RJD’s promotional focus for the near future is probably directed at Due Date. I posted the trailer last week, am reposting here because, well, RDJ + Zach Galifianakis... I mean, you don’t want to overhype the sh-t but come on, here’s another reason November should just f-cking get here already.

Photos from Flynetonline.com