There was a double date that happened last night in London – RDJ and his wife with Jude Law and Sienna Miller. Jude, as you can see, was dressed for it. But not like Victoria Beckham. No one dresses for dinner to blind all other diners like Victoria Beckham. Not even Sienna.

I didn’t marry a guy who enjoys dressing for dinner. Then again, we don’t live in a dressing for dinner town. People who dress hard in Vancouver are either of another generation or, you know, trying on a Friday night. Duana is coming here to visit soon and she asked me what to pack. I told her she wouldn’t need her heels. She runs in heels.

As for RDJ and Jude – they became tight working on Sherlock Holmes and are now reunited for the sequel. I love them together. It’s adorable.

You know what else is adorable?

The way RDJ refers to his spouse: he always calls her Susan Downey. Not Susan, but Susan Downey.


Someone sent me a note the other day with a Facebook link supposedly to photos that show RDJ’s son Indio dating Bruce Willis’s daughter Tallulah. I don’t have Facebook so I don’t know how to open this. But I’d want to be at that joint Thanksgiving dinner party, wouldn’t you?

Photos from