Entertainment Weekly has released its list of 25 Entertainers of the Year. And, not surprisingly, the magazine is MUCH closer to the target than that old windbag Barbara Walters and her 10 Most Fascinating.

She did it, you know? 

She actually picked Tom Cruise. 


What exactly has Tom contributed this year? Even his Presentation of Katie Holmes is getting old!!!


With the exception of Kid Rock, EW’s list is totally arguable. You may hate a few of them – like Katy Perry and, in my case, the insufferable and OBJECTIONABLE Stephenie Meyer – but their inclusion on the annual round up is absolutely justifiable. 

And then there are the top 2.

RDJ and Tina Fey.

Perhaps he edged her because a comeback is always irresistible. After all, 5 years ago he was almost unhireable. This is not a real word but it should be. 

And Tina Fey should be, like, bronzed somewhere. 

Seriously. I love her so much. Like if I saw her on the street, I would cry and weep and humiliate all my ancestors. I would shame myself for Tina Fey. 

Click here for the full list. And please do email your thoughts!