Iron Man opens today… and the reviews are in!

They LOVE Robert Downey Jr! And as a result, Iron Man has scored an incredibly impressive 94% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes with gushing comments from the top critics in America:

Downey"s richly human performance as a reformed rake who relies on his intelligence, feels both personal and genuinely fresh. Globe & Mail

One of the hippest, best-written and best-directed superhero movies ever -- a splendid way to kick off the summer movie season.
New York Post

It"s Iron Man to the rescue, yanking movies and the worldwide box office out of its months-long doldrums and into the stratosphere.
Time Magazine

Industry experts are expecting a huge take for Iron Man this weekend.

Will you go see it? Forget about Gwyneth…she’s barely noticeable in this one. Because RDJ’s sexy bitch overpowers everything. A well earned success for someone who couldn"t get insured on a film not too long ago. The studio was reportedly adamantly against him. And Jon Favreau believed. 

This weekend, do it for RDJ. It’s a killer, killer movie. Promise.

Here he is on TRL the other day playing with his action figure while my Gwynnie stood around awkwardly.