A selection of shots of Robert Pattinson in Cannes is attached. Pattinson was at the festival representing two films – first The Rover and then David Cronenberg’s Maps To The Stars. Pattinson’s performance in The Rover was called by many to be the best of his career. And he apparently delivers in Maps To The Stars too. Good moves for his career. And an interesting strategy…
Because both of these are supporting roles. It reminds me of what Sarah wrote about Orlando Bloom in her Career Prospectus – click here for a refresher. Bloom broke out big in Pirates and Lord of the Rings. And then stalled as a leading actor; he couldn’t carry a picture. Her assessment is that he fares better in ensembles. Pattinson might be the same. After all, he’s made his money. It’s not a financial factor anymore. Now, it’s about the most interesting, most challenging work. He could find it not as a lead but as a character actor. That might help with the anxiety too.