Every time Robert Pattinson shows up at a major event, I always, always hear from two friends who are obsessed with him, we’ll call them the Italians, because they are, and they copy me on their emails like it matters to me, gushing about how “hot” he is which, as you know, is debatable.
Yesterday Robert Pattinson and the Twilight situation kicked off Comic-Con.
And yet not a word from either one of them. Not a word. Not a text. Nothing on bbm. Total radio silence from the Italians.
You know why?
Not even they could make excuses for The Hair.
Have you seen The Hair? Here – take a look at The Hair.
Thing is, I don’t actually mind The Hair. When it’s combed down and styled, before he puts his teapouring hands through it, I think it kinda looks good. The problem is he’s so self-conscious he can’t stop putting his teapouring hands through it, and whatever, if he wants to mess up The Hair, that’s up to him but when he does that he’s showing me those Things, and while I may have f-cked up feet, feet in general are not attractive appendages anyway while hands...
Those willowy weirdly delicate little hands...
Are the physical equivalent of a ghost story, or the sounds that come in the night from the basement, the wind through the chimes before the chill, a creepy breath behind your ear – son, can you take up carpentry or something, roughen that sh-t up a little?
Anyway, here are a few shots of the Twilight cast at the Breaking Dawn presser and panel yesterday. Kristen Stewart has such a cute little body. The Big Three, Stewart, Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner were supposed to be shot for Entertainment Weekly while here to cover an issue to be released closer to when the movie comes out. This was scheduled well in advance. Not sure though if The Hair is messing with that plan though. PS. The hair is for a movie.
More on the parties later.
Photos from Wenn.com and Splashnewsonline.com and Kevin Winter/Michael Buckner/John Shearer/Gettyimages.com