FKA twigs performed in New York last night. Her boyfriend, Robert Pattinson, was with her, hiding his new haircut underneath a ball cap. The sides appear to be shaved with a clump hanging out the back. Someone needs to knock that hat off his head so we can see.
Many of you have remarked how often Pattinson is papped now that he’s with twigs as opposed to his demeanor with respect to the paps when he was with Kristen Stewart. It reminds of Ryan Reynolds. Doesn’t Ryan Reynolds seem to assume to the paparazzi attitude of his partner? Scarlett Johansson was anti-pap all the way. When they were married, Ryan Reynolds and Scarjo were rarely papped together. With Blake Lively? Sh-t, somehow the paps can find them all the way in a little town in Utah. Could we say the same of Robert Pattinson? Even his clothes look a little different now.
The Hollywood Film Awards announced yesterday that Pattinson has been added to the guest list. Kristen Stewart was already on the list from before. For some this, this resulted in a lot angry messages in my inbox. Here’s one from “Jessie”:
“Pattinson who has NOTHING to promote. Who has had 2 films go POOF is trying to ruin Kristen's award season. He has no reason and/or business going to the Hollywood Awards. But guess what the f-cking story will be now. It'll be about RPATTZ AND KSTEW in the same room instead of f-cking it being about Kristen and the hard work she's done and how she's reformed her image. How she stays out of the tabs. I swear to god I hate that man with the passion of 1000 fires.”
There’s a serious civil war going on in the Twilight community right now. It takes up a lot of their energy. For the rest of us who don’t have a fighter in this bout, it’s a great time to be a gossip. Because this, this is GREAT For Gossip. It would be better for gossip if twigs joined him on the red carpet. Too bad she has a show scheduled that night in Minneapolis.