Leonardo DiCaprio’s Pussy Posse has an official new member. Now that Paula Patton has filed for divorce, Robin Thicke is available for group douche-ing. And according to Page Six, he celebrated the other night at his home in LA, with Leonardo DiCaprio and a LOT of models. According to a Page Six source:

“There were a lot of models there. Leo and Robin were being super flirtatious and talking to tons of girls. Robin, in particular, was dancing and talking to a pretty brunette throughout most of the night. At one point, he grabbed a girl’s hand and was like, ‘Let’s dance’ . . . he was in great spirits, and put on a mix of music including pop, hip-hop, older stuff from the ’90s and soul. Everyone was dancing until past 3 a.m.”

Robin Thicke or Adam Levine. Sh-t or Diarrhoea.

Play. The rule of the game is that you have to pick just ONE. The point of the game is that you’re choosing between degrees of grossness. The baseless is gross, simple. But how do you define the GROWTH of grossness?

You know what might be the grossest part of all of it?

Tom Hardy was at that party.