You knew while watching the MTV VMAs, right? That it was only a matter of time. Click here for a refresher. This is what I wrote then, based only on Video Assuming his face throughout the show, as he paid tribute to fellow addict Amy Winehouse while his wife took every opportunity on camera to boast about all her tequila shots:
“There were times he looked almost pained. Embarrassed. It was so awkward, that kiss as she won her award. And while there was definitely emotion on his face when she shouted him out, there’s a part of me that read that as last ditch desperation, and his expression as wistful affection and almost friendly appreciation (rather) than spousal passion...”
And they tried. He tried. As much as you can try when you’re never together, there was trying. As recently as a month ago, the trying was underway. Which is why he told Ellen last month that he was “happily married”. That’s what happens when you lock yourselves in a hotel room for a weekend of love (making) and Oreo cookies. For a while there, the glow can float you. Unfortunately that glow never lasts. And it certainly can’t fuel a relationship for much longer than a few weeks. Ultimately they were too different, she was too young.
Check out Russell in London today. He moved to LA to be with Katy, and that’s what you do, of course, when you marry...but I remember thinking even then that there was something incongruous about Russell Brand living in Los Angeles. And now he doesn’t have to anymore.
I could get down with Russell Brand and Demi Moore. It wouldn’t last either, but think of the brief, explosive gossip benefits.