To his mother’s house.

I don’t have keys to my ma’s house either. 37 years old, and she still thinks I’ll sneak home some friends and throw the door open for a raging party. First of all, they don’t even have a liquor cabinet. I actually don’t know many Chinese people who do. At least not from that generation.

Anyway, here’s Ryan Gosling on Saturday, sitting outside his mother’s house, killing time on his laptop, waiting for her to come home. She did, eventually. And he presumably spent Mother’s Day with her and is next expected to head to Cannes for Drive. A clip from the film was released last week in advance of the festival. I like it. I’m tense watching. It’s a well edited scene. Very promising. See below.

The poster for Drive and a few shots from the movie have also been sent out. Two are attached. Click here to see more.

Photos from