The new Ryan Phillippe is a humourless cheating cheese dick… but on occasion there is a glimpse of undouchiness. Jimmy Kimmel seems to bring that out in a lot of people. It’s a great attribute.
Ryan was on Kimmel last night and had to address the issue of a sex tape – the one that he made with Kimmel’s security guard Veatrice. It’s hilarious. And Ryan is almost likeable. Not likeable enough to tolerate his lame dick poetry, but slightly more sufferable than, say, John Mayer.
Click here for more of his interview and the clip.
As for his relationship with Abbie Cornish and that mysterious pregnancy rumour - Ryan’s been poundin’ it diligently for Stop Loss but Abbie has still yet to surface. What’s she hiding? Is your smutty sense tingling? Mine totally is…