McGoslings…please. Chill. And rejoice. Ryan Gosling beat out Forest Whitaker at the Spirit Awards today taking home Best Actor. Forest Whitaker, who has been victorious at every awards show this season, took 2nd - needless to say, it’s a huge accomplishment for Ryan. And he shared it with his mother and his sister. No Rachel. First – let me relieve the McGosling panic. THEY ARE STILL TOGETHER. His family confirmed it tonight. I repeat, they confirmed it. To our cameras. Breathe easy. Our crew was on the carpet interviewing his family. You can watch all the clips on eTalk on Monday. And of course…we asked where she was. Apparently there was a change in her work schedule but rumour from the Oscar rehearsal today was that there may have been a ticket issue limit anyway that they’ve been trying unsuccessfully to accommodate and she graciously preferred that he go with family. His sister gave a very sweet answer about Rachel though – I can’t describe it, you’ll have to watch it on eTalk on Monday. There you go McGoslings…feel better?