Take a look at Ryan Seacrest greeting a nice young lady the other day in a parking lot. Is it pinging? Tell me yours in pinging. I mean COME ON! Where are the 5 people on the planet who still think he likes girls? This guy is SO beyond gay, he is fay. As in F-A-Y. And for those of you who don"t roll with the homo, fay means uber-queer. As in Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick and leather chaps with nothing underneath. But above all things, above everything, FAY is Ryan Seacrest. And this is what is so tragic about Ryan. Because as "popular" as he is now, can you imagine how much more he would be if he just came out? Forget Cher. Ryan Seacrest would own the gays and control the faghags. So Ryan - what are you waiting for, honey? We need a new leader!