Every night I check the photo agencies before I head to bed, just to get a sense of what I might want to include on the blog the next day. When I saw these shots of Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick with their son James Wilkie at the Tower Heist premiere last night, I thought to myself - Tower Heist is for kids? Because normally that’s when they bring him to these events.

That was supposed to be the title for this article: Tower Heist is for kids? But then I realised after paying attention during the trailer that Broderick is actually IN the movie.

So she makes terrible Sex & the City films and takes on projects like I Don’t Know How She Does It and he goes for Tower Heist - how poor are they for real? Because that feels like a straight up money grab, which is fine and Gwyneth knows you want that brownstone but they already have the brownstone and, well, it’s just a little incongruous with what comes out of their mouths about quality and value and how time should be spent and on what activities.

Anyway, about Tower Heist...

I watched 20/20 last Friday because I wanted to see Dembabies. They kept Dembabies to the end of the show, opening with Stephanie Madoff Mack, the widow of Mark Madoff, son of Bernie Madoff, who killed himself 10 months ago. Stephanie has written a book, her account of what went down inside the family. How Bernie f-cked over his kids, in addition to all the other people who literally lost everything because of his scam. So when you watch the Tower Heist trailer, it’s hard not to think of that. As Sarah wrote a couple of weeks ago, Rich Is The New Asshole, but I wonder if that makes it any less sad.