It’s not unusual to learn about Shelf Ass Jessica Biel workin’ the paps in her favour. Or Paris Hilton. Or even Jennifer Garner.
But what about Sacha Baron Cohen? He is supposed to be press shy, supposed to be in it for the art and not for the fame, supposed to be above strategic wrangling media manipulation his peers frequently engage in.
You’d think so, non?
Until yesterday.
Here are Sacha and Isla Fisher in Beverly Hills yesterday proudly showing off their new baby Olive. My sources tell me exclusively the photo op was arranged by Sacha himself with a major US publication for an exclusive magazine feature. Unfortunately, the deal was supposedly bungled by his rep who ended up calling all the pap agencies thereby devaluing the images and nullifying the deal.
They ALL work the system, see?
Still...I love him. He is SO hot!