Chanel Resort 2013 was presented at Versailles yesterday. Click here to see the collection in LifeStyle. Everyone says that this event is the one you wait for. I’ve heard of fashion editors moving around their annual schedules, forgoing personal time, stabbing backs if they have to, in order to accommodate it. The venue is always spectacular. And the guests are always spoiled. Among them this time...
My Obsession!
Sam Taylor-Wood and Aaron Johnson.
And attended to by Karl himself!
You know how Karl works. He has declared that they are worthy. They have inspired him. Hopefully they will inspire him enough to photograph them. But of course. Because Sam is a visual artist herself. So for Karl, it’s like the artist and the artist are exchanging the lens and creating new art that’s from another dimension. Or something. When he talks it’s like English tries to run away.
Please. Let this happen. Please let Karl interpret My Obsession. It will probably change my life.
Guess what?
We’re only 6 weeks out from the release of Savages. Which means that Aaron - with Sam at his side - will be on heavy press to promote the movie. How f-cking HOT does he look in that movie