Check out little Louis’s expression here. He’s probably just grumpy after a nap. But I like to think he’s sending a message to that f-cking dickhead who almost became his dad.

Sandy and Louis left her place in New York today and were swarmed by the paps. But this, as noted earlier, is her way, non? You show them that they can’t beat you. And then you go about what’s important: your son, your dignity, your independence.

Sandra Bullock is a Lady.

Because, I have to say, if it were me, I would have gone low classy from the minute In Touch busted open the infidelity story. And I would not have stopped from there. I get mad at Jacek even when I DREAM about him cheating. If he actually did? Please. You would be reading about the other woman on this blog. I would send the links to her work. I would take out a full page ad in the local paper with his picture and congratulate him on being a cheater. I would book myself on every f-cking radio station in Canada to sh-t on her ass.

And Sandy… she just held it in. Mad respect, right? Mad.Respect.

Photos from and