The girls were in Berlin today promoting Sex & the City. SJP’s dress… holy f&ck. Is it my drunken haze or is that the killer-est dress you’ve ever seen?

Her dress is all kinds of sublime. All kinds!

In typical Sarah Jessica fashion however she sucked the style out of everyone else. Cynthia Nixon looks like she recycled the same gown from the other day at the premiere in London and Kristin Davis is wearing decorative ottoman pillows and Kim Cattrall bought her dress from the Chinese Mall. I miss the beef ball noodles from the Chinese Mall. We were tempted to go into a restaurant called Le Chink’s tonight here in Cannes but opted for cheap diner food instead. Besides…could I eat at a restaurant called Le Chink’s? I digress.

Sex premieres in New York on the 27th. No doubt SJP has something spectacular saved up. Hopefully the other ladies will bring it too.

Photos from