Sarah Jessica Parker co-hosted a fundraiser with Anna Wintour for Barack and Michelle Obama last night at her home in New York. When the President and the First Lady left, apparently SJP and Anna stood at the door, waving to them. Can we please get a photo of this?

And where was the man of the house, Matthew Broderick? He was performing on Broadway in Nice Work If You Can Get It which...on the one hand you could argue that he’s the ultimate professional, not willing to take a day off, not even for POTUS. Or, maybe he just didn’t want to be around all her fashion bitch friends. Or, if you believe in Photo Assumption, maybe he didn’t want to be around her. You do remember these photos, don’t you? All of them? Click here.

No, Lainey, don’t be such a goddamn c-nt. The man has work ethic, ok? And a really talented understudy.

Anyway, in preparation for the event, Anna was a regular visitor at SJP’s and supposedly insisted that her “shabby” chic furniture be temporarily replaced by a style more suitable for the occasion. Whatever. I don’t think we’ll be arriving at unanimous vote either way on whether or not that was over the top. Some of you will declare that it’s excess; still others, secretly, would totally have done the same.

But... if you’re going to go to all that trouble with interior design, WHY SERVE CHICKEN?????????????????????????????????????????????

Do I seem apoplectic? Because I am.

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while you know how I feel about chicken. And it goes beyond personal preference. Because, really, chicken is what you have on a Tuesday night in front of the TV, you know? If you paid $40K to support the President, would you be down with “chicken with a mustard sauce, diced tomatoes and a lot of relishes on the side of the plate”??? This is what Aretha Franklin told reporters upon departure. She was the first to leave the event. And, well, who can blame her. I would not have stayed for chicken in mustard sauce either. How hard could it have been to go with a fish?