Sarah Jessica Parker on set today in NYC. At this rate, we already know half the plot of the new Sex & The City movie, especially since photos from the set are being released every day.

So far, not so imaginative. Charlotte has been seen in a polka dot maternity dress arguing with Big. If she does actually get pregnant I think I will throw up. How predictable.

Having said that, maybe there is one thing to look forward to. Maybe Patricia Field hasn’t lost her juice. Especially if Carrie keeps rocking dresses like this one. Look at this masterpiece, exactly what defines Field. You will note, unlike most who’d play it safe, Carrie is not wearing dainty strappy bridesmaid sandals. Carrie is wearing roughneck heels in almost black - a fierce contrast to the flower.

Love, love, love.

And some good news that at least the wardrobe won’t suck as hard as the plot.
