It just might be her best physical feature: Sarah Jessica Parker’s hair. I love it. I want it. She has hair that can literally be anything. At least all the things that I’ve always wanted hair to be.
This is SJP walking her kid to school today in an amazing blue coat, a purple scarf, a striped dress, and black open toe booties. The school must be close. Because I wouldn’t walk my dog in those for more than a block and a half. Tops.
Elizabeth T sent over a great article yesterday about a day in the life of a NY pap. It’s a fascinating read overall but her favourite part, and mine too, of the piece is when the photographer heads over to SJP’s place to shoot a sure thing because he knows that she went out the night before and she always takes James Wilkie to school the morning after she goes out when her hair looks good.
Wouldn’t you?
First rule of the Hair Club is never, ever waste good hair. I always love my hair after working the Oscars for etalk. It’s wavy and big and I will wear that sh-t until Jacek can’t stand the stank coming from my head 5 days later, I will make it last as long as I can.
Needless to say, SJP adheres to this rule too.
Click here to read the article.
Photos from