When asked in Europe why Sarah Larson didn’t join him on the Leatherheads promotional tour, George Clooney replied that she was “working”. Celebitchy is reporting that among her professional obligations, Sarah was also modelling in a charity fashion show in Vegas yesterday. Apparently her schedule is jam packed these days now that everyone is hoping that an invitation to her will translate into attendance by him.

But George’s movie did not win the box office this weekend…and you have wonder, how much does Sarah Larson’s past have to do with that? Has the MiniVan Majority somehow heard that she was a gambling escort? Are they punishing their favourite dashing actor for dating the anti-thesis of the girl next door?

This is why he’s so hell bent on whitewashing her, see? And don’t be surprised if he starts scaling back Sarah’s red carpet appearances too. Like Clooney would ever choose love over business.


Click here to see photos of Sarah modelling yesterday