Can you find some blazers for under 100.00.  No dark grey and something I can wear out after work or on weekends.  Thanks! D.


It’s all in the details and a few tailored nips here and zips there can take the ordinary black blazer from zero to hero and D, I’ve found you just that.  Get clicking here (1), here (2) and here (3).

Sasha Finds:  Blazers under $100

We all need at least one boyfriend blazer in our fashion quiver and D, if you’re lacking on that front, no problemo because I’ve found you some beauts on a budget here (4), here (5)  here (6), …

Sasha Finds:  Blazers under $100

…. here (7), and here (8).

Sasha Finds:  Blazers under $100

Now if you’re like me and love a long blazer yet don’t want to go the boxy route then peep your peepers on my favorites here (9) and here (10).

Sasha Finds:  Blazers under $100

On the fashion flipside D, if you’re looking to hike the hemline and go for something more cropped then I’ve got you covered here (11) and here (12).

Sasha Finds:  Blazers under $100

Capes, people.  It’s all about the cape and if you can incorporate that with a blazer, you’re f-cking golden.  To see what I’m talking about take a peek here (13) and here (14).

Sasha Finds:  Blazers under $100

Tuxedo dressing is something that will continue to be a fashion mainstay and I’ve picked out some jackets that will take you from daytime to date night here (15)  and here (16).

Sasha Finds:  Blazers under $100

Texture adds major style intrigue to an outfit and D, I’ve sleuthed out some styles that fit the fashion bill here (17), here (18) and here (19).

Sasha Finds:  Blazers under $100

Finally, I don’t know how to classify this last lot other than to say they’re just hella fun.  From pebbled to checkered get ready for some wow pieces coming your way here (20), here (21)...

Sasha Finds:  Blazers under $100

…here (22), here (23), here (24).

Sasha Finds:  Blazers under $100

Thanks for writing in and please keep your style questions coming my way to [email protected] xx