Sasha - In Lainey's recent Cam and Drew post I'm obsessed with Drew's shoes! Ok pretty much her entire outfit, but would love to track down those pumps. They're amazing. Can you help? Thanks! M

M, I’m trying to work from the bottom up on my letters, but I had to answer yours right away because Drew’s shoes are f-cking magical.  However, I have to say she totally botched the look by pairing them with that dress.  Anyway, I’m pretty sure those heels are McQueen from a few seasons back so you can kiss them goodbye, but the good news is that colored cap toe is in abundance these days, so let me see if I can entertain you with some other looks…  

If you can’t have McQueens then a pair of Louboutins should soften the blow, right?  Whoa, those are some seriously perfect pumps.  Oh and good god these  are even better.

I’m a sucker for anything gold, and I’m all over these Roberto Festas.  Plus cha-ching they’re on sale.  

Sparkle is everywhere for fall and holiday and if you want to do it right then look no further than these Miu Mius.  And for those to be mine, you can find me working a street corner near you…

Of course Zara is always a reliable go-to for getting a trend on the cheap. Click here.

Any takers?  I hope so! xx