I don’t get much Mindy Kaling style mail, but there are a few of you fashion creepers who adored her latest look at SXSW so let’s show Mindy some love, shall we? You can pick up the exact look here (1) and here (2).

Sasha Finds: Mindy’s fuchsia

Now, this look got me inspired because fuchsia is going to be a really big fashion story for this coming season as well as moving into fall 2014, so if you want to get ahead of the curve I’ve sleuthed out some poppy pieces for all of you!

Let’s start with the easiest way to work this look in to your wardrobe…..a dress! I’ve scoured the world wide web and have come up with some beauts! Get ready to click a sh-t ton of links here (3), and here (4), and here (5), and here (6)...

Sasha Finds: Mindy’s fuchsia

…and here (7), and here (8), and here (9), and one more here (10).

Sasha Finds: Mindy’s fuchsia

I’m going to skip the whole hot pink pants thing and go straight to the skirt. Whether you tuck in a striped tee, a chambray shirt or even go tone on tone like this (!!!!) (11) it’s such a versatile piece to have in your rotation! I’ve picked out some stunners here (12), and here (13), here (14)…

Sasha Finds: Mindy’s fuchsia

…and here (15), and here (16) and here (17).

Sasha Finds: Mindy’s fuchsia

Alright guess where we’re going next? Yup, you guessed it! Tops! You can go full out fuchsia or you can tone it down with just some color punches. The choice is up to you, and lord knows I have a lot of choices for you to look at. Click away here (18), and here (19) here (20), here (21) ...

Sasha Finds: Mindy’s fuchsia

…and here (22), and here (23), and here (24), and my favorite here (25).

Sasha Finds: Mindy’s fuchsia

And finally I’ll round out this post with some fuchsia for your feet! I’ve got you covered with an array of different styles here (26), and here (27), and here (28), and here (29)...

Sasha Finds: Mindy’s fuchsia

…and here (30), and here (31), and here (32) and here (33).

Sasha Finds: Mindy’s fuchsia

Keep your style questions coming to [email protected]