Hi Sasha!  I love your column and wondering if you could answer my need with a leather jacket with hood that is a different fabric. I'm hoping to stay under a 1000 dollars if possible.  D 


It’s the perfect time to start thinking about getting out of our parkas and getting into something lighter and there’s nothing better than a leather bomber!  And D, a fabric hood.  I’m IN!

Right off the bat I think I found the perfect one here (1)! Right!!!!!!???!  I know, I know, it’s 39 dollars over budget, but it’s definitely worth the extra bills if you ask me!

Sasha finds:  Hooded Leather Jackets

I’m sorry, don’t kill me, but I found another stellar jacket here (2) but oops, it’s a wee over budget again. Sure, you might be living in a cardboard box after this purchase, but damn you’d look good!

Okay, moving on! The rest will be under budget – cross my heart!

This (3) next one is the bomb of all bombers. The cut, the zipped up front and dude, it’s reversible.  Sold!

Sasha finds:  Hooded Leather Jackets

And if you like the slouch of the last one, but want it at a lower price point then peep your peepers right here (4).

However, if you want a little more structure then this Marc New York (5) will have you tailored to the tits!

Sasha finds:  Hooded Leather Jackets

D, if you’re looking for something with a bit more moto inspiration though then no sweat, I’ve got you covered with the following looks here (6and here (7).

Now this next one is not my jam at all, but I know there are a lot of you out there who like some glitz to your sh-tz. So if you’re the type that likes sequins then no doubt you’ll be all over this find (8).

Sasha finds:  Hooded Leather Jackets

Finally, if you want to get on the cropped trend then I loveeeee this baby blue beaut (9).

Oh wait, I lied.  I’m not done yet. I almost forgot about my vegan homies. For all of you who want to go leather-free I have to say I’ve found you two amazing jackets here (10) and here (11).

Sasha finds:  Hooded Leather Jackets

Thanks for writing in and hope you find something here you love!  Keep your questions coming to [email protected]