WHY:  Okay, here’s the truth:  I’m more than slightly intoxicated right now and somehow writing about a line of Friday Night Light t-shirts doesn’t just seem like a great idea, it seems like I’ve cracked the muther f-cking Da Vinci code.

Dudesssss!  How the hell would you not want to wear a Crucifictorius shirt to prove your Landry love?  Of course you do!  Sure, he might look like Eric Stoltz from Mask, but damn, remember when he manned up and drop kicked slash killed Tyra’s sexual assaulter? Hot.

And come on, Riggins' Rigs!  How badly did you want Tim and his perfectly low slung jeans to finally make something out his life so he didn’t need to find his self-worth with some immensely annoying clingy curly haired teen?

Okay, fine, I obviously need to dilute my drunk with some water, but don’t be all jealous when you see me rolling out in a Landing Strip t-shirt.

(Lainey: Sasha was a little late to the FNL party. But once she got going, we were getting midnight texts about Coach and East Dillon and on. She was late but she eventually came around. Now what about YOU?)

(Note from Lainey: Sasha’s Into It articles are NOT paid endorsements. Paid endorsements on LaineyGossip.com are always clearly marked. These are straight up Sasha obsessions.)