WHY: AS IF I just discovered that this invention exists?! Am I the only loser who didn’t know?   Well, whatever, either way I’m so on board with these slick travel perfume bottles. They come in an assortment of fun colors (I’m partial to the gold one), they’re tiny (the size of a cigarette lighter) and praise the lord, I can pack my perfume without suffering major anxiety that the bottle will bust and spleuge all over my clothes.   
All you have to do is pour or spritz your perfume into a funnel, tighten up the seal and ta-dow! You’re looking at around 70 sprays – which will give around a two week spray span.  

I don’t know about you, but I’m stocking up on these suckers.

(Note from Lainey: Sasha’s Into It articles are NOT paid endorsements. Paid endorsements on LaineyGossip.com are always clearly marked. These are straight up Sasha obsessions.)