WHERE:  JANUARY 2012 AT YOUR DRUGSTORE (sorry, I’m a cock tease)

WHY:  I don’t wear a sh-t tonne of foundation so primer is something i’ve never bothered to put into the rotation, but I’ve got to say that this product is a game changer.  Not only does it give my face some extra hydration, but it totally evens out my skin tone.  And here’s the proof…

Lucky for me I was blessed with the good fortune of having a birthmark around my nose. So, that’s been awesome.  And what’s great is that as soon as I lube my face up with this product the redness dulls right away. Everything goes one uniform color and gets perfectly smooth.   I’ll usually call it a day with just that, but it’s a great base for those days when you want to go full out Tammy Faye Baker as well.