Aside from bowing down to Leah Remini’s scientological finger, do Katie Holmes and Jennifer Lopez have more in common that we originally thought? Gossip still coming in from the Globes afterparties, this time at the CAA event held at the Argyle where even Sean Combs was turned away in favour of a gaggle of Thetans holding court inside. Presiding over the festivities was none other than Tom Cruise and his glassy-eyed bride , flanked by the authoritarian Leah, Victoria Beckham and, of course, La Lopez and Le Vampire.
As you would expect, the Tom Cruise was in his element, greeting wellwishers and other Hollywood players wanting to pay homage while Katie remained mute for the better part of the evening, spending her time “rubbing his back” the whole time instead. Stranger still…Marc Anthony was observed getting noticeably agitated later on, engaged in a heated discussion with a CAA agent assigned to Jennifer’s account, fueling widely held speculation that the once independently indomitable spirit of the Lopez has in recent years been pinned by her bloodsucking spouse. And things didn’t seem to improve at the Prince party where the cult crowd eventually headed. Ever the gracious artist, Prince invited Marc to perform with him onstage but when faced with such an honour, Marc only grudgingly obliged and supposedly became even more incensed when his wife lit up the dance floor during his own set…WTF??? Seven years into the new millennium and Hollywood appears to be churning out a prototype of the new brigade of silent, submissive Mrs?? ? Is Robo-bride the new black? Source via Source