The Oscar nominees’ luncheon went down yesterday – no Meryl, no Brange. Meryl doesn’t have time to fly all the way in from New York for a luncheon. She’s Meryl Streep. And it’s like her 15th time, right?
But why no Brange, since they’ve been campaigning so heavily for so long? Well, the Slumdog backlash has been working hard for them already. Add that to the world orgasm caused by their twins last week and they could afford to skip the afternoon social. Benjamin Button has friends in deep, inside Hollywood places. Our Slumdog is getting his ass kicked.
Yes, the Benjamin Button support is strong. From the bowels of industry to the boisterous Brangelunatic community, Benjamin fans must be heard! And they can be louder and more vociferous than a braces-wearing crowd at a Jonas Brothers concert. Just this morning, I received what’s become my favourite email in weeks. Let’s just call her D:
Lainey, I hate you with a vengeance. You are nothing more than a gossip monger. I hope when Benjamin Button wins best picture at the Oscars your ass eats crow. You can join all the anti button fools like your self and that wouldn't make you any better than the Jolie- Pitts because they have each other and their beautiful children and all you have is your ugly dog. HATER.
Adorable, right?
But no Brange doesn’t mean no intrigue.
There was some intrigue.
Check it out – Sean Penn and Mickey Rourke, locked in a tight battle for Best Actor, popped out for a ciggie break …and a truce? Both insist there is no animosity but that doesn’t mean they don’t want to win badly. Nor does it mean they won’t do what it takes it get it. Sean in particular has been very active on the campaign trail. Very. But maybe he feels badly about what happened to Mickey last week. The Evan Rachel Wood situation. The reputation situation. As such, maybe Sean is calling a ceasefire on luncheon day, bro to bro, just to keep things real.
But how altruistic could it be if the paps were there, and it makes Sean look like the more gracious in the process?
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