Is there a time standard for Gossip Nostalgia? Are we allowed to be nostalgic about it even though it only happened five minutes ago?

It’s been almost 15 years since Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake broke up. It was a tragic, life-altering moment for an entire generation. We lost our innocence. Admit it, even now there’s a part of us that hopes it was all a bad dream and that, eventually, they can come together again.

So don’t get mad when I say that for a new generation, their version of Pinky and Stinky…

…is Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber. Stop your huffing. Calm your indignation. I have not blasphemed. Try to remember what NKOTB and Backstreet meant to you. Now transfer that to a younger demographic – this is what Selena and JB mean to them. Actually, not just them. I have fondness for this too. The difference here though is that It’s Love In The Time Of Instagram. Britney and JT didn’t actively feed on the public’s desire to keep them unchanged. Both of the wanted to forget each other, immediately. JB though? JB keeps doing this:



A photo posted by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on

And Selena isn’t ignoring it either because she left a comment on that post that simply read “Perfect”. This coming from someone who not too long ago insisted that she was “sick of that same old love” and is “beyond done talking about that, and him”.

Sure. I can see that. Can’t you?

Attached - Justin performing in Los Angeles last night.